Thursday, December 13, 2012

12/12/12 The start of a new beginning

Here goes nothing... Ok so I'm starting this blog to help express myself and to hopefully help other people who may be going through similar situations in life. I know writing will be a great creative outlet for me. It's like a blank canvas up to your imagination to take a bunch of ideas and make it into something that evokes an emotion and lets you be heard. You can teach. You can inspire. You can inform. The important thing is it’s coming from you. You have a voice and it deserves to be heard. Writing has never really been my strong suit but in order to be a better writer, you should write more. I hated English class my senior year in high school, I would barely read the novels and didn't like writing essasys because I never thought I was a good writer and didn't have much confidence in my writing. I didn't think I sucked, but I knew I wasn't that great. I think this will be a great way to connect with people like me that maybe going through a particular life experience whatever it may be and to help others going through the same thing.. I know I've been inspired by some blogs I have read and I hope to one day do the same and meet a veriety of great people along the way.